Software Developer. Clinical Researcher. Health Educator.


The projects below are listed in order of decreasing difficulty. They were developed both individually and as team projects as I progressed through Momentum Learning's immersive coding curriculum.

Traction Application - Capstone Team Project

Live Site | Github

This mobile and desktop app aims to aid the NC Harm Reduction Coalition (NC HRC) and other groups in fighting the statewide opioid crisis. Developed by a team of 5 junior developers in 2.5 weeks as a capstone project presented at Demo Day from Momentum's immersive coding program. It's twofold function will allow NC HRC administrators to organize community volunteers and utilize a QR code scanning technology to track the distribution of Naloxone (Narcan) kits. It vastly improves the current processes by ensuring data accuracy, efficiency, and security in data collection and analysis.

Traction App

Game Day Comment Tracker - Team Project

Live Site | GitHub

An example of a reddis/twitter-style app, this project was created by a team of 3 junior developers and includes secure signup and login/out functions.

Game Day Comment Tracker

Reader's Realm


A book library app created individually that allows users (readers) to view a list of all books, add new books, and edit or remove books.

Reader's Realm



A simple topic voting app created during a one-day RailsBridgeTriangle workshop.


Warm Hero Dog Rescue and Adoption

Live Site | GitHub

This is an example of a very basic dog adoption website. Created individually it shows the use of basic HTML, CSS, and Flexbox code.

Dog Adoption Site

Lazy River Plant Nursery

Live Site | GitHub

This is an example of a very basic plant nursery website (created individually using HTML and CSS code).

Plant Nursery Site